Thursday, June 02, 2005

Rocky Raccoon

I have just about every song from The White Album stuck in my head, as Mr. Longhenry was playing it today during the world history final. A weird bunch of tunes, but I like them.

Speaking of finals, this particular group of them was one of the best I've had to cope with. Calculus was definitely the hardest; I should have studied harder, or, more precisely, done some practice problems instead of expecting that drilling formulas and theorems into my head was actually going to help. We actually got to use a "cheat sheet" on the test, so I was stuck having the shell method and disc method and formula for integration by parts right in front of me, but not having any idea what to do with them. Anyway, I went and asked Mr. Pozzi how I'd done, and I got eight wrong, which didn't seem so bad. He said I'd be fine with the curve. So I got a C for the semester, definitely not something I'd settle for in, say, English or history, but given the way this past semester has gone, I'm very pleased.

Spanish and newspaper were final-less, and biology surprisingly turned out to be one of the easiest tests I've ever taken. We had to do a virtual dissection of fetal pigs online, with partners; my partner was Aashesh, which was actually pretty fun, because he got all excited and we yelled at each other a lot. After that, Mr. Holstein basically told us what we needed to know for the test, and then we took it; I think I finished mine in under two minutes. English was actually pretty hard; we had to read a short story and analyze it in a standard essay. It just took me forever to get through the story and write the essay, and I'm still not sure I did it right. I guess I'll just have to see what happens. History was by far the best final I've ever taken. We made a huge timeline of, basically, all of history, each of us taking a section. I had the twentieth century, which was fun. It took me forever to cut out tons of little pictures and paste them on, so I stayed after and got a ride home with Jenny. She always makes me feel like a little kid, not in a cold, condescending way, but in a kind of "awww, little Colleen" way. She's nice, though; I'm glad I rode with her and not the Longhenrys, as Mr. L. offered.

So...SCHOOL'S OUT! This morning, my dad was singing that Alice Cooper song: "School's out for summer..." It really is done with. (That sounds grammatically horrible, but I don't care.) I keep having to remind myself that I don't have to study for calculus or work on English notes or do anything. The whole summer stretches out in front of me. I have a week of idleness before quiz bowl Nationals, and then pretty much right after that there's Italy. That makes me feel happy.

I always look forward to summers so I can catch up on all the books I need to read and movies I need to watch and projects I need to complete. Somehow, though, that never seems to work out. My mom used to have a sweatshirt that said, "So many books, so little time..."


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