Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Baby's In Black

Today should have been a terrible day, what with my lingering cold, the end of a pretty sweet three-day weekend, and the news that Rory Zuba died this morning. It wasn't so bad, though. Acing three of my four tests from last Friday helped; I actually earned a Tootsie Roll Pop (the fare of A students in AP world history). More than that, though, it was just a good day as far as talking to my friends and having good times.

Not that the news about Rory wasn't shattering. Even though he's been very sick for a long time, I wasn't prepared for this. I'd heard he was getting better, actually, though the latest news via Mrs. Coates was that he was doing badly again. I guess it's better that he's out of his pain and with his mom and sister, who died a while ago. I need to send a card or something to his brother Sean, my buddy from Midway Village a few years ago, through whom I met Rory in the first place. I feel so horrible for him and his dad. I don't know if Sean (or his cousin Connor, who also attended camp) remember me at all, but I guess it would be nice to express condolences.

I saw from a posting on the ACE camp site that Jimmy Li and Michael Braun both appeared on Teen Jeopardy, and Michael Braun was the champion. It's crazy...I actually know kids who were on Jeopardy! I'm sad I missed the shows, though. I can just imagine those kids, especially Jimmy Li. He was known at camp this past year for constantly buzzing in early and rolling his eyes back into his head while thinking of an answer. It paid off for him, though; he placed in the lit category. Michael's the famous Quizmaster, of course.

Tomorrow's our Nic-9 finals. I'm looking forward to hanging out with Will, Patrick, and all the guys, as usual, but it'll be pretty late when we get home. At least this one's at Boylan, so we won't have to hang around and clean up like we did last week for the frosh-soph tourney.


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